Are you ready to Calculate How much Money you can earn with Ad Sense?
Okay, here is the Ad Sense Calculator for you to help quickly estimate your earning potential with Ad Sense. Your earning with Ad Sense depends on your publishing materials including a lot of factors such as geographic location, your target audience, demographics of contents device used to access, your niches, Ad Sense layout, seasonal specific materials, and many more.
To predict the exact amount of earn with Ad Sense easily you can use this Ad Sense Earning Calculator. For this you need to know the Daily Page Impression Rate, Click Through Rate (CTRs), and Cost Per Click (CPC).
Calculate Your Earnings:
Measure of Metrics used above are:
Page Impressions is the average traffic that your website receives on a time period. Long time period average helps to estimate grow or decline of trafic.
Click through Rate (CTR) is the number of times your ads are clicked per 100 served impressions. Increases in CTR helps to increase in Ad earn and is typically lie between the range 0.14% to 0.84%, with 0.35% being the average.
Cost Per Click is the amount of earn each time generated by a number of clicks by user on your Ads. It is depends on advertiser and industry factors. Average CPC is calculated by total earn generated in a time period of time divide by total number of clicks in that time period.
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